Speed Cleaning Tips From Professional Cleaners

Take a speed cleaning lesson from the pros. BRIDGE Hygiene Services are masters in the art of efficient cleaning. Watch them as they work – they don’t waste time or dawdle, but they get the job done brilliantly at the same time. Here’s how to clean fast and clean right, with tips from the experts. 1. Schedule your cleaning time…

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The Basic Cleaning Supplies You Need

General Cleaning Tools The right tools can make all the difference, both in terms of utility and convenience. If you’re stocking up on essential cleaning products for the first time, it’s okay to purchase cheaper versions of some of the pricier tools on this list and then upgrade as you can. Vacuum cleaner. A vacuum cleaner is a definite must-have, even…

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Keeping Your Home Clean and Going Green!

Chemical-laden household cleaners don’t live up to all the hype they get. Sure, they can clean and sanitize your home effectively. However, they can also release toxins into your abode and the environment when you dispose of them. Are you looking for ways to make your cleaning regimen a bit more eco-friendly? Good news — it’s not nearly as difficult…

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Stainless Steel Cleaning

Both durable and shiny, stainless steel is the ideal material for kitchens and bathroom. But as anyone who’s owned stainless steel kitchen appliances knows, the name is somewhat of a misnomer. The material is prone to fingerprints, streaks, and water stains. The name “stainless” was originally used to describe the metal’s ability to withstand heat and humidity without corroding. Although this material…

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Pros & Cons : Carpet Cleaning

Homeowners simply don’t ask professional carpet cleaners to their homes enough, as carpets need to be cleaned on an annual basis. This can feel like a tall order for many, especially homeowners who have been diligent about removing shoes and weekly vacuuming. Is it really worth the time and money to keep carpets in tip-top shape? These pros, cons, and…

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Clean your floors without store-bought chemicals

We’ve all been there before. You get a spill or stain on your floor, and you don’t have the right cleaning product to take care of it. Fortunately, a homemade floor cleaner can solve your problem and remove the mess quickly. But how do you make a DIY floor cleaner, and how can you be sure it’s safe? There are…

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How to Choose the Right Cleaning Service

Recent studies say that having a clean office space increases work productivity. It is imperative to have a clean and adequately maintained office premises to have a positive impact on your customers and motivate your employees. Most business owners find it essential to hire professional cleaning services for the cleanliness and hygiene of their workplaces. However, the costs of different cleaning…

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